Saturday, May 22, 2010

Who Escorts the Bride?

Posted by Michelle...

(Matt Ballard Photography via google images)

Traditionally, the bride's father escorts her down the aisle, but there are many different reasons and situations where this may not be a possibility. Who else can escort the bride?

We live in a day and age where it is completely acceptable for anyone to whom the bride is close to walk her down the aisle. One of the main duties of the escort is to keep the bride calm as she makes her entrance. It does not matter whether it is her mother, step father, an uncle, brother or grandfather as long as the bride is comfortable with the chosen escort. I have even seen a confident bride walk alone down the aisle and it can be a very special moment.

(image via google images)

I'll never forget one of my first weddings as a planner; I had a bride concerned about whether to have her father or her step-father walk her down the aisle, both of whom she was close to. In the end she was escorted by both, one on each arm and it was perfect for her.

If you are confused or concerned with who to ask to walk you down the aisle on your big day just remember...nothing has to go by the book. You may have whomever you want escort you, it is your wedding day.

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