Monday, February 21, 2011

Back Yard Wedding? Consider This...

When having a backyard or off-site wedding reception there are a lot of details that need consideration. Hosting an event at an unusual location, or one that is not normally the site of special events, you may need to bring in multiple rental items including tents, tables, chairs and possibly electric.
Here are a few things to consider:

Do you have enough space for the guests you are invited to be out of the elements if needed? If not, you will need to rent a tent or structure to sheild from the hot or cold depending on the time of year.

Does the venue you are using have enough restrooms to accomodate your guests? If they are hooked up to a septic tank can they handle this amount of use? If not, you will need to bring in restrooms, either in the form of a Port-o-Jon or something like a Royal Restroom.

Are you planning on having a DJ or other music that will need electric? These vendors may have specific wattage or outlet needs, a generator may be required.

Will parking be an issue? If so, consider hiring a valet service to work your event. Talk to a local church or business about using their parking lot for the cars and have the valets drive them back and forth.

Are there neighbors on either side of the venue that will complain of noise from your event? If so, let them know in advance of the event so they can leave if needed, OR invite them to the party!

Some religions will not marry couples outside of a church, talk to your pastor or clergy member to find out their regulations.
Will there need to be a lot of work done of the landscaping/yard to get it in "wedding worthy" condition?


Nothing is lovelier than an intimate backyard wedding. But before you jump in with both feet, make sure you have considered all that will need to be done and weigh that against the benefits. If you are willing to put in the time and effort you will not regret the decision.




1 comment:

Restroom Trailers said...

Make sure you have adequate restrooms available. So easily overlooked.